Full name: Nsar Wali Mustafa
Gender: Female
Phone Number: 009647508807414
Certificate type : Master , in : English language ,in :Iran
Academic title: Assistant Lecturer
College: Basic Education
Department: English Language
Date of starting teaching: 2023-02-13
Number of years experience: 1 year and half
Administration Position: , from :
Working type of UOH: Fulltime
Date of birthday: 1991-02-11

Teaching Philosophy: It should be easier for my students to learn the topic than it was for me. Extended, this philosophy includes simplifying explanations instead of making them more complex (just look at many university math textbooks to see what happens when the text becomes a sort of initiation test designed to "weed out" the "bad" students). It also means that if I succeed, my students will have more time to reach further than I did.