
My Coursebooks and Timetables

College/کۆلێج Department/بەش Coursename/ن.کۆرس Stage/قۆناغ Hour per week/ژ.سەعات Coursebook/ف.هاوپێچ Timetable/ف.هاوپێچ
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Human SciencesHistoryEnglish language: Reading and writingیەکەم ٦
Human SciencesHistoryEnglish language: Listening and speakingیەکەم ٦
Human SciencesHistoryHistorical texts in Englishدووەم 3
Law and AdministrativePolitics and international RelationsPolitical history of the Middle Eastدووەم 4
Law and AdministrativePolitics and international RelationsModern political history of Iraq (Modern politics of Iraq)دووەم 4